
Transforming MiFID Compliance Reporting with EMT

MiFID EMT Compliance

Compliance reporting under MiFID is anything but simple. RiskConcile provides you with the technology and functionality in an end-to-end solution to simply yet thoroughly meet your European MiFID Template (EMT) reporting obligations.

Mastering EMT MiFID Compliance

The Complexity of EMT MiFID Compliance Reporting

Of central importance, the EMT provides an important conduit of critical information regarding MiFID across various product manufacturers, distributors and among other responsible organs within the European Union framework.

The types of information that the EMT carries include issues like target market definition, and ex-ante with inclusions on ex-post cost information. Thus, maintaining the accuracy, currency, and consistency of the EMT data is crucial to ensure accurate information flow towards the providers. The dynamic nature of the presumably heavy EMT in a huge spreadsheet can lead to operational issues. Moreover, harmonizing the document with other documents like PRIIP KIDs and EPTs could make it easier to be compliant. Also, post-Brexit transition, two versions of EMT now exist, adding yet more complexity to this regulatory landscape.

EMT Mastery for Seamless MiFID Compliance

EMT solution by RiskConcile

RiskConcile simplifies the complex world of MiFID compliance reporting. Our EMT solution centralizes data, enhances EMT production, and includes assistance to compute ex-ante and ex-post transaction costs under PRIIPs Delegated Regulation in line with both EU and UK standards.

We offer flexible options to suit the needs of your organization, be it Managed Service or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Proceedings within our solution optimize an entire process themselves starting with data centralization through consistency checks, cost data additions and ending with EMT template generation. We simplify the management of this essential financial information. These outputs are easily accessible to the customer through a client portal that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Stored in the cloud and guaranteed to ensure a compliance experience absent from hitches.

Elevating EMT generation excellence

From Comprehensive Offerings to Seamless EMT Generation Steps

Why RiskConcile for EMT Generation

Operational Excellence

Client-Centric Approach

MiFID Compliance Expertise

Swift Turnaround

Competitive Pricing

Steps for EMT Generation

Data Collection



Business as Usual

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